Monday, 19 November 2012

Lin Osbourne

Lin Osbourne inspired t-shirt 

i chose this lin osbourne t shirt out of all of the because of the colours and the way the images are layed out 

 I dragged all my brighton photos in to photoshop and made them into small squares pressing the shift button and minamizing them and arranging them how i want it to look i then made all my layers into one layer pressing cmd and "E" 

My first design i put my logo in the middle and the brighton graffiti photos around my logo and then put the image on the t shirt

the second t shirt i used a black t shirt and re sized the logo image i made it smaller and thinner and moved the my logo in a different position then placed it on the top half of the t shirt

the third t shirt i stuck with a black one because i find the images stand out more with this t shirt i made the image bigger and placed it in the middle

The final t- shirt is placed in the middle and faded around the sides

Monday, 12 November 2012

3 coloured stencil t shirt

Stencil Design

my first coloured stencil i used a picture of the window of the brighton pavilion i chose these 3 coloured because i thought it worked well together and made the picture more bolder 

my second t shirt design i used the photo of the graffiti from brighton this one i think worked better than the first because the colours go really well and i think the picture is more appealing than the first